
Acts 14

Sermon Notes

I. Courage when _______ (v. 1-7)

II. Courage when _______ (v. 8-18)

A. Miraculous  _______ v. 8-10)

B. Improper _______ (v. 11-13)

C. There is only _______ God (v. 14-18)

III. Courage to _______ (v. 19-28)

A. Paul is _______ (v. 19-20)

B. They _______ to places of rejection (v. 21-22)

C. They _______ Churches (v 23-28)

Going Deeper

  1. Acts 14:1. William Larkin says: “[Iconium] was a prosperous commercial and agricultural center with five roads radiating from it.” Why do you think this was a good place to proclaim the gospel?
  2. Read Acts 14:2-3, 5-7. How did Paul and Barnabas show boldness? Do you tend to prioritize safety over boldness? Read Phil. 4:12-13. What is the secret of being content? How will you apply this in your life today?
  3. Read Acts 14:8-10. Now read Acts 3:1-8. How are these accounts similar? How is the reaction of the crowd different (Acts 14:11)? Why do you think the reaction is so different?
  4. The healing of the paralyzed man was complete and free, just like our eternal salvation in Christ. Read John 8:36; Heb. 7:24-25.
  5. William Larkin says: “Today God can choose to accompany the faithful preaching of His Word with miraculous deeds, especially in cultural contexts in which Satan’s control is most evident.”
  6. The residents of Lystra tried to worship Paul and Barnabas (14:11-13). This is a problem! R. Kent Hughes says: “These people wanted to know this new God only on their own terms. Paul and Barnabas never got to explain the Incarnation because the people were determined to keep them within the boundaries of their religious presumptions. Today too Christ is often made such a captive of men’s presuppositions (what they think he ought to be or what they want him to be) that they do not really understand him.” How have you seen this happen today?
  7. Lloyd Ogilvie says, “Jesus is a V.I.P. to be honored but not believed or followed. In America, he is a custom but not the true Christ; a captured hero of a casual civil religion, but not Lord of our lives.” Is this true in your life? Why or why not?
  8. Paul and Barnabas may have been tempted to receive glory like Herod did in Acts 12:21-23. When are you tempted to accept the worship of man?
  9. Paul tells the people of Lystra that there is only one God. He quotes from Ex. 20:11; Ps. 146:6. How can we share this same truth today?
  10. The crowds turn quickly and Paul is stoned in 14:19. Paul refers to this a lot in the NT. Read 2 Cor. 11:25; Gal. 6:17; 2 Tim. 3:11.
  11. “It is necessary to go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” Read what Jesus says in Jn. 15:18. How is this different from our expectations?
  12. Read Acts 14:21-23. How did Paul and Barnabas show courage? Why did they go back to these places? What did they do? Why was it so important?
  13. Read Acts 14:24-28. Some commentators believe Paul and Barnabas have been gone for up to two years! When returning home to Antioch they “reported everything God had done.” God “opened the door of faith to the Gentiles” – a bit of foreshadowing for Acts 15 when we pick up this series after Easter!
  14. What stands out to you about the first missionary journey (Acts 13:4- 14:26)? How will you courageously share the gospel with others this week?