
Acts 13:13-52

Sermon Notes

I. The journey ________ (v. 13-15)

A. Travel log (v. 13-14a)

B. ________ and Barnabas in the synagogue (v. 14b-15)

II. Paul’s ________ (v. 16-41)

A. God’s ________ to Israel (v. 16-22) 

B.  ________ , the Savior has come (v. 23-31)

C. The ________ proclaimed (v. 32-39)

D. ________ (v. 40-41)

III. Two ________ to the gospel (v. 42-52)

Two implications 

1. We ________ others (Eph. 4:32)

2. We live by ________ in Jesus (Gal. 2:20)

Going Deeper

  1. Have you ever had to ask for forgiveness? What happened? Or are you struggling to forgive someone else? What is getting in the way?
  2. Are you reading through the Bible this year (5 Day Reading Plan)? If you’re not, it’s not too late to join. Pick up with us in week 11. Use a Bible app and listen to the Scriptures as you do chores, as you drive, or as you exercise.
  3. Read Acts 13:16-22. How did God show grace to Israel in their history?
  4. Read 2 Sam. 7:12-16; Ps. 89:29, 36; 132:11, 17. What did God promise David?
  5. Read Acts 13:26. What did God send in Christ? Darrell Bock says, “The message of salvation is a message of deliverance.” What are we delivered from?
  6. Read Acts 13:27. The people in Jerusalem did not recognize Jesus in the weekly readings of the prophets. They were blind to the truth. William Larkin explains how this can happen today: “One of the great ironies of our sinful human existence is that religion can make us blind to the true way of salvation. Even years of studying the Bible can leave us without understand of the liberation Christ desire to bring.” Have you experienced this? What steps do we need to take to recognize Jesus and all that He wants to do in our lives?
  7. Read 1 Cor. 15:3-4. This is Paul’s kerygma (Greek for proclamation). Paul calls this message “most important.” Why is this the most important message that can be proclaimed?
  8. Paul ties three OT passages together in v. 33-35. Each passage relates to how God’s promise to David is fulfilled in Jesus. God always keeps His promises because God is perfectly faithful!
  9. Read Acts 13:36. Why is the bodily resurrection of Jesus so important?
  10. Read Acts 13:37-38. What is the good news?
  11. Have you been forgiven and justified (declared righteous by God)? How do you know?
  12. What is the goal of missions? William Larkin says: “Again, the preaching of the Word…about the Lord Jesus Christ is central to the church’s missionary enterprise and its advance.”
  13. What is Paul’s warning in v. 40-41?
  14. What are the two different responses to the gospel message in v. 42-45? What persecution do Paul and Barnabas face (v. 50)? Are you ready to face persecution for the sake of the gospel?
  15. Read Romans 1:16 – what is the order? How does Paul follow this order in Acts 13:46-47?
  16. William Larkin said: “Though the church’s battle is for human hearts and minds and its weapons are spiritual, Christians must be prepared to face governmental attempts to restrict their evangelizing activities. Today, with the militant advance of Islam…and secular humanism’s systemic attack on religious faith expressions in public life, Christians have many opportunities to encounter the tactics employed against Paul and Barnabas at Pisidian Antioch.” Larkin wrote this almost 25 years ago!
  17. Read Acts 13:49. John Stott says “Nothing could stop the spread of the Lord’s word; the whole region heard it.”
  18. What were the disciples filled with in v. 52? How can you be filled with joy and the Holy Spirit today?